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DigitalFirst.AI – Polish startup conquers UAE

DigitalFirst.AI is a Polish startup that qualified for the 2021 Supernova Challenge, organized as part of one of the UAE’s largest international technology fairs – North Star (formerly GITEX Future Stars) – of which MK Business Link is the exclusive representative for Poland. It took 2nd place in the MarTech category. Thanks to this success, the company attracted a business partner from Abu Dhabi and a Polish investor.

DigitalFirst.AI – how does the platform work?

DigitalFirst.AI is an innovative startup in the MarTech sector. A team of experienced developers has created a platform that helps lay out strategies and solve various marketing problems without having to hire specialists. The platform also allows you to effectively manage your sales funnel and achieve your business goals more effectively.

How does this platform work? The platform is regularly updated by a community of growth hacks who add new strategies. The user – the platform’s client – gets access to proven tactics (tailored to their industry, the type of business they run), allowing them to execute their marketing and sales strategy more effectively. What benefits does this bring? First, the proposed strategies are proven, allowing you to solve problems effectively. Secondly, it gives you the opportunity to automate your company’s activities, consequently saving time, reducing costs and focusing on attracting new business partners.

Participation in a competition in the UAE an opportunity for further development

The idea of the platform has found recognition from the international community – in 2021. DigitalFirst.AI qualified to participate in the Supernova Challenge competition. The competition was held at one of the largest international North Star fairs (GITEX Future Stars) in the United Arab Emirates. The competition was formidable – DigitalFirst.AI was selected among 700 other startups from more than 60 countries around the world and was among the 22 finalists of the competition. It took second place in its category. This is the first Polish startup to achieve such success. The competition enabled DigitalFirst.AI to meet a new business partner from Abu Dhabi (Flat6Labs) and attract a Polish investor.

DigitalFirst.AI has ambitious development goals. Among other things, it plans to introduce an advanced tactics recommendation system using artificial intelligence, full content management with AI recommendations, and a predictive system.

DigitalFirst.AI: this year we will also participate in the fair

There is no denying that DigitalFirst.AI has been spectacularly successful in the competition and at the North Star (GITEX Future Stars). How did they manage to achieve this? Rafal Tromczynski, one of the founders of the startup, said: We approached the competition itself in an unconventional, storytelling, somewhat even controversial way, and this was probably the key to success. We had pitch decks prepared and printed, this also played well.

Half of success is a good presentation. Before this type of event, such as the North Star trade fair, it is worth taking care of the professional setting of your booth and think about what you would like to gain from participating in such an event – this will help you achieve your development goals more effectively. For help in organizing the stand and preparing for a business trip to the UAE, it is worth asking a company that already has this kind of experience. MK Business Link will perfectly cope with such a task. Our experience comes from several years of thriving in this market.
About the organization of the event itself Rafal Tromczynski commented as follows: The competition is a super thing. Very cool and really big names in the jury. The conferences themselves, which take place in parallel, are also very valuable. Technologically, this event is nicely solved. There is an effectively working app for making appointments. The stand itself, being there, resulted in a large number of contacts. Well, and it’s a surprise, because everyone there wanted to meet right away, and we were only there for the event.

Rafal Tromczynski also points out the advantages of doing business in Dubai: It is closer there than to the US, well, and the price of a plane ticket is lower. Besides, more events and business conferences are organized there.
That’s why DigitalFirst.AI also plans to participate in the fair this year.

DigitalFirst.AI and MK Business Link – results of cooperation

The joint story of DigitalFirst.AI and MK Business Link began with North Star (GITEX Future Stars), after which the founders of the startup, Rafal Tromczynski, Grzegorz Gracz and Michal Tokarski, participated in the #Scale2Emirates event we organized in Krakow. They talked about their experiences of taking their first steps in the UAE market. We are currently preparing for the North Star/ GITEX 2022 event.
The example of DigitalFirst.AI clearly shows the benefits that expansion into the Gulf Arab markets can bring. The startup has attracted a new investor and business partner. We encourage you to consider what benefits expansion into the UAE market could bring to your company.

Targi GITEX Future Stars – wielka szansa dla polskich firm

Targi GITEX GLOBAL w Dubaju to jedno z najważniejszych wydarzeń dla branży technologicznej na świecie. Umożliwiają nawiązanie wartościowych kontaktów biznesowych oraz wzięcie udziału w licznych sesjach szkoleniowych. Ponadto, udział w targach GITEX może pomóc wzmocnić pozycję Twojej firmy i umożliwić współpracę z najbardziej wpływowymi partnerami, zarówno z sektora publicznego, jak i prywatnego, gigantami technologicznymi, kreatywnymi startupami i przedsiębiorstwami z ponad 170 krajów.

Warto zastanowić się nad udziałem w tym wydarzeniu – Zjednoczone Emiraty Arabskie starają się zdywersyfikować swoją gospodarkę, dzięki czemu zaczyna się kształtować i dynamicznie rozwijać wiele niszowych branż, które mogą zainteresować potencjalnych inwestorów z zagranicy.

Zjednoczone Emiraty Arabskie są jednocześnie krajem przyjaznym dla rozwoju startupów – oferują liczne korzyści podatkowe, niskie koszty rozpoczęcia działalności, nowoczesną infrastrukturę i dostęp do międzynarodowych szlaków handlowych.

Author: Mieszko Karbarczyk